
012: The Recruit, Part 5

Chapter 5: The Truth Within

[Caption: Unknown facility, Tappen, NJ]

(Angela Petrelli and Carlos continue their interrogation of Rachel Mills.)

Angela: (handing a cellphone to Carlos) He's onboard, we continue as planned. (turning her focus to Rachel) I underestimated you private Mills, and I conceded this battle.

Carlos: (Carlos walks behind her, and removes her IV and wrist constraints.) It'll wear off in a few hours.

Angela: I commend you, you're a fighter. We are a rare breed.

Rachel: I'm not like you. I'm nothing like you. I just wanna go home.

Angela: There's a car waiting for you outside...you're free to go.

(scene changes to Rachel driving a car, and parking it near a gas station; then enters the restroom.)

(Rachel leaves in the car, and stops at a gas station restroom. She has a flashback showing her iat the Primatech Lab, removing the bullet from her shoulder, then replacing it with the vial. She subsequently removes the dressing, and pushes the vial back out of it's hiding place, and into her hands, rebandages her shoulder, then leaves the restroom.)

Angela: (standing in the shadows) This is why I never wanted a daughter. There so much more complicated. (Carlos walks up behind Rachel.) You watch helplessly as the world slips in and turns all of the sugar and spice into bitterness and deceit.

Rachel: If you knew all the time, why bother interoggating me?

Angela: I wanted to give you the opportunity to face yourself, and in my business it's important to know who you can trust.

Rachel: I just wanted to try to find a cure, maybe(interupted)

Angela: Rachel, your ability is as much a part of you as the color of your eyes, or the loss of your mother...Leona...a beautiful name.

Rachel: I like to think I'm going to see her again one day.

Angela: Well that's up to God. (Rachel hands the serum vial to Angela.)

Rachel: What do you want?

Angela: We want to help you. (Carlos puts a black bag over her head, and carries her off, as Angela dials her cellphone.)

(scene changes to a sweatered woman receiving a cellphone call from Angela.)

Angela: Hello Leona, it's me, Angie Petrelli. It's been a long time.

011: The Recruit, Part 4

Chapter 4: Day of Reckoning.

[Caption: Unknown facility, Tappen, NJ]

(Angela Petrelli continues her interrogation of Rachel Mills.)

Rachel: I destroyed the serum and killed David, what else do you want from me?

Angela: (Carlos stands in the background) I have sons. Handsome boys. I love them with all of my heart. (Browsing a file) Were you close with your mother?

Rachel: My mother killed herself.

Angela: Have you ever asked yourself why?

Rachel: That's none of you business (interrupted)

Angela: Because I think you know.

Rachel: Don't tell me this.

Angela: I think you've always known. I knew your mother Rachel. We were girls together. Laona and I...in fact I was there on the day she discovered her power. She was very special. But she was also scared and weak and didn't want to be different, so she chose to kill herself rather than to face up to the truth of who she really was. She chose to abandon you, left you to fend for yourself rather than to embrace her power and be of service to the world. It's just so difficult sometimes to see the ones we love in the cold heart light of day. But you're different. You're stronger than your mother...I know. I know you. I know you went into the service to make your grandpa proud, and know that you had to fight for every good thing you had in your life. (Rachel starts to cry) Well you can stop fighting now Rachel. Claim your power now Rachel, this is your day of reckoning.

Rachel: (blurting out emotionally) I'm not special!

Angela: There's so much you can do for this world if you just accept who you are.

[Caption: Pinehearst Lab]

(flashback to the prior events with Ryan and David, with Rachel banging on a locked door)

Angela Narrating: The doors were locked, but you were found in the hallway. (Rachel teleports through the door.) I know how you got there. All you have to do is say it.

(Back in present-day, in the interrogation room)

Rachel: (shaking her head no) You're wrong. That's not who I am.

Angela: I don't believe you.

015: Hard Knox, Part 4

Chapter 4: The Main Man Now

(Matt is working a traffic accident on the freeway)

Matt: (Directing Traffic) Let's go. Hey, Hey. You can't stop there, come on let's go! Come on!

(Walks up to poking car, and pecks on the window, as the window lowers, it is Knox and his gang.)

Knox: (laughs) They got you directing traffic now? That can't be good.

Matt: Knox...Uh...I'm gonna have to ask you to move the car. Come on, let's go.

Knox: I just wanna say "Thank You" for that motivational speech you gave me the other day. You were right. I was just a scared little kid. Not anymore.

Matt: (looks at the occupants) What happened to Bartell?

Knox: (laughs) I heard he got eaten by a shark.

(Raises window and drives away.)

014: Hard Knox, Part 3

Chapter 3: Fear

(Knox walks in on Bartell, who is curling a barbell.)

Knox: You wanted to see me?

Bartell: I hear you've been talking to 5-0 lately.

Knox: What? No.

Bartell: You weren't having a heart-to-heart with a cop you saw on Clubfoot Avenue?

Knox: Oh....yeah....

Bartell: (drops barbell) Yeah? No? You sound confused to me.

Knox: It was nothing, the uniform tried to ask me...(Bartell punches Knox in the face)

Bartell: First you try to duck out on jobs...(punches and knees Knox)...now you're talking to the police...Huh? This makes it very uncomfortable Knox, ya hear?

Knox: Please don't do this, please...

Bartell: (Punches Knox again, to the ground) You're looking for a way out...(draws a gun on Knox)...Maybe I can help. (Two gang-thugs are watching) Naw. This is too easy. (turns the gun away) I wanna make this one messy.

(Knox starts feeding on the fear of the other two gang thugs)

Bartell: (Starts to bludgeon Knox with a baseball bat) AGGGHHH!

(Knox catches and breaks the bat in half, gets up, and Bartell punches again. Knox catches his fist, and throws him across the room. )

Knox: Oh...yeah....It's the fear!

Bartell: (rights himself and re-attacks) AGGGHHH! (Knox blocks the punch, and punches through Bartell's chest.)

Thug #1: You killed Bartell.

Knox: Yeah. I guess I'm the main man now!


010: The Recruit, Part 3

Chapter 3: We Do What We Have To Do

[Caption: Unknown facility, Tappen, NJ]

(Angela continues her interrogation of Rachel Mills)

Angela: ...but only if you stop lying to me.

Rachel: I'm telling you the truth.

Angela: Fine. Let's start with something easier. If you promise to get David Sullivan out of that room, then why on earth did you kill him?

[Caption: Pinehearst Lab]
(scene change - flashback to when David was injected)

Rachel: David...David...

Ryan: What the hell? (Ryan shoots David as he growls, he scampers off)

Rachel: Put the gun down.

Ryan: Screw you Mills. (She picks up a pipe, and knocks Ryan down, he gets up and draws the gun back toward her.) Bitch! (Just as he prepares to shoot, David growls, grabs him from behind, and takes him down.)

(Rachel gets up, uses a flashlight to look for David, and he growls, then charges at her, she teleports across the room. As David re-attacks her, she picks up a pair of scissors, and David runs upon them.)

(scene change - back to the interrogation room)

Rachel: I didn't have a choice.

Angela: We do what we have to do.

Rachel: So I've noticed. Now will you let me go?

Angela: Yes. As soon as you tell me where the rest of the serum is.

(scene change - back to the Pinehearst Lab)

Rachel Narrating: (Her flashlight notices a vial of serum. She picks it up, and breaks it.)

(scene change - back to the interrogation room)

Rachel: Seeing what it did to David, and knowing what it could do to somebody else, I destroyed it. There, you have your answer. Now will you please let me go?

Angela: Wrong answer.

(scene change - back to the interrogation room, alternate flashback of the prior one)

(Rachel raises the vial, takes the top off, and the scene fades.)

013: Hard Knox, Part 2

Chapter 2: Get Straight

(Knox is standing outside an alley, attempting unsuccessfully, to bend a large piece of steel rebar.)

Matt: (walks up) I'll give you fifty bucks you can break that in two.

Knox: Hey Parkman, I'm sorry I haven't returned you calls, it's just that I've been busy...

Matt: That's what I hear...word is, you guys cleaned a house in Hancock Park the other night. That must have been right after we parted ways....man, you promised me you were gettin' out.

Knox: Well I lied.

Matt: Remember the first time I busted you? What were you like, 14? You nearly pissed your pants in my squad car you were so terrified.

Knox: So you gotta point here?

Matt: Yeah, my point is...you were this scared little kid trying to figure out who you were. Now all these years later, you still haven't got a clue. (grabs his arm) Come on, you can do this. Just pick yourself up, and walk out the door.

Knox: There is no door, you understand?

Matt: Yes there is. You come downtown and talk to a detective, and we send Bartel away where he belongs.

Knox: Right...then you get the promotion that you're always after, and I get two slugs to the back of the head.

Matt: Wait. Promotion?

Knox: I can't believe you've been trying to play me all this time so you can turn me into your C.I. (confidential informant)

Matt: This isn't about me, or my career. This is about me helping...(interrupted)

Knox: Matt I don't wanna hear it.

Matt: No no, no no no no...I'm not lettin' you go. Not this easy. There are times when you need to stand up for yourself Knox, and this is one of those times.

Knox: I talk to the police I'm a dead man. You know that. I know that.

Matt: So what are you going to do? Huh, you going to run with Bartel until you catch a bullet?

Knox: Look, the way I see it, I catch a bullet either way I turn.

Matt: So what am I suppose to do? Feel sorry for you? Am I suppose to continue to look the other way?

(scene shifts to Bartel's gang thugs watching the exchange from a nearby car)

012: Hard Knox, Part 1

Chapter 1, "Choices"

(Matt and Knox are going through a cafeteria foodline together.)

Matt: 95, 96 seasons...Lasorda's last two years, and by the way, he took 'em to the playoffs both years.

Knox: Lasorda's over-rated.

Matt: Oh please...(laughs)

Knox: He knew more about pasta than about managing a ball club.

Matt: Well yeah, but you don't dis Tommy.

Knox: I gotta fly.

[Caption: 18 months ago]

Matt: Bartel still gotcha on a leash, huh? You said you were gettin' out Knox.

Knox: I am. (Matt: yeah) I am. It's not just something you walk away from. How would the police feel if you just called up one day, and said, "I'm quittin'"?

Matt: Hey ya know what...if I did that...there probably wouldn't be too many complaints. Just because I've know you since you had baby teeth, doesn't mean I won't bust you if I catch you doing something stupid.

Knox: Thanks for the taco.

(Later in a room with a bunch of gang thugs.)

Bartel, Knox's Gang Thug Leader: (grabbing a few guns off the table, passing them out to other thugs.) It's a McMansion in Hancock Park. You know, jewelry, cash, computers...that kinda thing.

Gang Thug 1: You sure nobodies home?

Bartel: If there is, I hope they like guns.

Knox: If it's cool, I think I might sit this one out.

Bartel: What do you mean?

Knox: I've been thinking lately about slowin' down a little...I mean, you guys could split the take four ways, right? I mean if it's cool with you, "B"?

Bartel: Sure man, it's cool. (grabs Knox by the neck) You want out? One bullet and you're out.

Knox: That's not what I meant. I just thought that makes...

Bartel: (Interupts) Enough. You working another crew?

Knox: No, you're the main man B.

Bartel: This ain't trade school, you feel me? You don't call in sick. And I aint sending out four guys to do a five guy job!

Knox: I'm down with you....no worries.

Bartel: (spins and puts gun to the throat of Thug 1) Anybody else wanna take the day off? Huh? (puts the gun on another thugs throat) Hey? (puts the gun on a third thugs throat) You? (back to Knox) Let's do this.

(As the Bartel put the gun to each man's throat, Knox picked up on their fear, and increasingly bent a steel crowbar he was holding until it was nearly U-shaped.)

Knox: Yeah.