005: Destiny Part 2, Intervention
(Soccer game is in play, and opposing team scores tying goal)
Esteban: You're telegraphing your passes, you let him get infront of you. You gotta be thinking three moves ahead.
Santiago: I know. I know.
Esteban: OK, scores tied, thirty seconds left, we win this we win the championship...and the money. $500 mile soles.
Santiago: I don't play for money.
Esteban: Sure you do, how else are you gonna take out that sweet little thing over there. (motions toward Elisa)
Santiago: What if I can tell you I can guarantee a win. On one condition.
Esteban: What's that?
Santiago: We get the team to donate all the winnings to the needy.
Esteban: Fine. But I get to keep the trophy. OK?
Santiago: Let's do this.
(Ball is put into play, and Santiago uses his ability to see each players perspective on the field, and positions himself in the right spot.
Santiago: Estaban, over here!
(Santiago receives the pass and makes the winning goal as time runs out.)
Santiago: (on cellphone, walking with Elisa) It was amazing mama, I could see everything, yeah the goal was right infront of me.
Maria: (replying on cellphone) I'm so proud of you hijo(Spanish: "son"), Will I see you for dinner?
Santiago: Ummmm, well I might be a bit late. Yeah, I'm gonna be celebrating. Yeah, with friends.
Elisa: (with tournament winnings) I can't believe you did this, all for my parents, its too generous.
Santiago: I told you. Your prayers have been answered.
Elisa: What did you mean when you said you could see everything?
Santiago: Oh, I don't know. My mother is always telling me that I don't know which way I am headed. But right now I think I know what I am supposed to do.
Elisa: Do you believe in God Elisa?
Santiago: I suppose, why do you ask?
Elisa: Cause I think He is here, all around us. I think He wants me to make a difference.
Santiago: I'm not sure I understand. But I want to.
(They kiss, revealing Elisa holding a blue syringe.)
Santiago: What are you doing? (Santiago uses his ability to rapidly flee.)
(After running a considerable distance, he slows to a walk to catch his breath, and Elisa in the form of water, emerges beside him from under a doorway, and reforms again with the syringe.)
Santiago: What are you?
(Blue taser fire erupts from the Serious looking woman, blindsiding Santiago, and taking him to the ground. She walks up to meet Elisa and speaks.)
Serious looking woman: Gotcha!
Destiny Part 2