
010: The Recruit, Part 3

Chapter 3: We Do What We Have To Do

[Caption: Unknown facility, Tappen, NJ]

(Angela continues her interrogation of Rachel Mills)

Angela: ...but only if you stop lying to me.

Rachel: I'm telling you the truth.

Angela: Fine. Let's start with something easier. If you promise to get David Sullivan out of that room, then why on earth did you kill him?

[Caption: Pinehearst Lab]
(scene change - flashback to when David was injected)

Rachel: David...David...

Ryan: What the hell? (Ryan shoots David as he growls, he scampers off)

Rachel: Put the gun down.

Ryan: Screw you Mills. (She picks up a pipe, and knocks Ryan down, he gets up and draws the gun back toward her.) Bitch! (Just as he prepares to shoot, David growls, grabs him from behind, and takes him down.)

(Rachel gets up, uses a flashlight to look for David, and he growls, then charges at her, she teleports across the room. As David re-attacks her, she picks up a pair of scissors, and David runs upon them.)

(scene change - back to the interrogation room)

Rachel: I didn't have a choice.

Angela: We do what we have to do.

Rachel: So I've noticed. Now will you let me go?

Angela: Yes. As soon as you tell me where the rest of the serum is.

(scene change - back to the Pinehearst Lab)

Rachel Narrating: (Her flashlight notices a vial of serum. She picks it up, and breaks it.)

(scene change - back to the interrogation room)

Rachel: Seeing what it did to David, and knowing what it could do to somebody else, I destroyed it. There, you have your answer. Now will you please let me go?

Angela: Wrong answer.

(scene change - back to the interrogation room, alternate flashback of the prior one)

(Rachel raises the vial, takes the top off, and the scene fades.)